The Mendez Family
Baby Samuel
Relocated from Irving, TX to Houston, TX (256 miles)
Scroll down to see updates as the Mendez family progresses in their CDH Journey! (All updates are written and given by parents with consent)
Inital Backstory
We are the Mendez family, a family of 6. My husband And I have 2 biologically kids and our niece and nephew that we took in. I always wanted one more baby but after adding two more I didn't think that would happen but 7 years later here we are . When we find out I was expecting my husband, kids and myself were overcome with happiness to add to our family. Unfortunately At our 20 week ultrasound we were told that there may be something wrong with his stomach and that we would need to see a specialist. Two weeks later we were able to see a specialist where we were told that our unborn son had Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH). We had never heard of this and were overcome with emotions. The next month we were overwhelmed with information but have made the decision to relocate to Houston to deliver our son. We are grateful and remain in faith that everything will be ok and we will have a positive outcome.Â